SEO Audits
A successful SEO strategy starts with an audit of your website. We offer two types of SEO Audits. The Basic SEO Audit is designed to highlight what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and where there are opportunities for improvement. A Forensic SEO Audit is designed to find out what may have caused a precipitous drop in traffic and ways you might be able to recover from it.

Local SEO
For every business that depends on visibility in a specific geographic area, whether it’s an office or a storefront, optimizing your website for local SEO is an absolute must if you want to make sure people are able to find you in real life.Read More About Local SEO »
Content Optimization
There’s so much more to search engine optimization than keyword-rich page titles and URLs. Currently, there are 130 known ranking signals that Google’s algorithm is listening to, and leveraging all of them correctly is still the best and most cost effective way to get found on the web.Read More About Organic SEO »

SEO Training
Over the last 20, we’ve hired and trained personnel for our own company and staffed entire departments for some of our Clients. The same principles apply in both cases: Find good people, give them the tools they need and train them on those tools so that they can be successful.
If you’ve decided to do your SEO work in-house we can help build – and train – your team from the ground up.Read More About SEO Training »
Link Building and Development
It’s still an SEO truism that links matter. In some respects, links are like votes: The more you have, the greater your chance of “winning”. But they’re different than votes because some links matter more than others. Quality and topicality matter and our link development programs are designed to manage your link profile so that the search engines think as much of your web site as you do.Read More About Link Building »

SEO Consulting
One day you get a call from the CEO and he asks, “what are we doing about SEO?” Or your head of sales stops you in the hall and asks why last month’s online sales numbers were down by 60%. The head of marketing wants to know why traffic to the web site dropped of a cliff 3 months ago and hasn’t come back. You don’t have the answers. We do.
Sometimes all you need is a little help from your friends.Read More About Our SEO Consulting Services »