Core Web Vitals Redefined. Slightly.
Don’t get all excited. Google has expanded their definition of acceptable scores in the Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console
Don’t get all excited. Google has expanded their definition of acceptable scores in the Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console
Google’s Passages Update is live, and if you don’t think it matters to you, you haven’t seen it work yet. Trust me.
For anyone who really interested in the Customer Journey – not just how people find your website, but how they use it – Microsoft’s integration of Clarity with Bing Webmaster tools is a welcome step forward. Clarity allows website owners, administrators, and analysts, to see exactly what visitors are doing on their website without infringing…
How to Set Up Microsoft Clarity Step One: Log into your Bing Webmaster Tools account. Step Two: From the dropdown list at the top left of your screen, select the website you’d like to set up. Once you’ve done that, click the Add button at the bottom left of the screen. Step Three: Accept the…
It’s been 5 days. What we know about Google’s December Core Update. At this point, we know a few things: The update to the core algorithm is still going on There have been major increases and drops among music related websites Health and Medical sites have seen major drops The early indicators are that the…
At 10:34 am yesterday, Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan announced that the December 2020 Core Update – the 3rd update to Google’s core algorithm this year – would begin rolling out at 1:00 pm. As is typical, the update should take between 1 and 2 weeks to complete. The most recent data is that the…
November has brought with it a couple of significant announcements from Google. The first has to do with a major core algorithm update that’s planned for next year, and the other has to do with a minor tweak to the current algorithm. Both can have major implications for your website’s visibility on search engine result…
When most people think about SEO, they think about three things: keyword research, backlinks and content. And they’re right to do so – all three of those things are fundamental to creating a solid, successful organic search campaign. But what those same people rarely take into consideration is the distinction between Brand and Non-Brand keywords.
If you haven’t noticed, May has been a very busy month for Google. They have announced 2 significant updates – one that’s already happened and one that’s coming next year. The Update that’s already happened On May 4th, Danny Sullivan, Google’s public liaison for search (@searchliaison), announced the May 2020 Core Algorithm update: An announcement…
Like most things having to do with, SEO this isn’t a simple answer. My first question is, where are you getting your zero search volume results data from? With the exception of Bing, almost every keyword research tool out there provides you with data that’s pulled from Google Ads. What That’s decidedly different than being…