Clarity: Yet another reason you should be using Bing Webmaster Tools

For anyone who really interested in the Customer Journey – not just how people find your website, but how they use it – Microsoft’s integration of Clarity with Bing Webmaster tools is a welcome step forward. Clarity allows website owners, administrators, and analysts, to see exactly what visitors are doing on their website without infringing…

Google’s November Surprises

November has brought with it a couple of significant announcements from Google. The first has to do with a major core algorithm update that’s planned for next year, and the other has to do with a minor tweak to the current algorithm. Both can have major implications for your website’s visibility on search engine result…

Brand Keyword vs Non-Brand Keyword

Brand Keywords vs Non-Brand Keywords

When most people think about SEO, they think about three things: keyword research, backlinks and content. And they’re right to do so – all three of those things are fundamental to creating a solid, successful organic search campaign. But what those same people rarely take into consideration is the distinction between Brand and Non-Brand keywords.

A Very Busy Month for Google

If you haven’t noticed, May has been a very busy month for Google. They have announced 2 significant updates – one that’s already happened and one that’s coming next year. The Update that’s already happened On May 4th, Danny Sullivan, Google’s public liaison for search (@searchliaison), announced the May 2020 Core Algorithm update: An announcement…